What is Plugins.run?

A huge set of utility plugins, made by Karl Emil James Koch, for Figma and FigJam, for free.

How it started

I started writing Figma plugins when I wanted to better learn Javascript. I did a Udemy course led by Morten Rand-Hendriksen on Javascript basics, and in that course we made a Pixel to Em converter.

Once I decided I really wanted to build my own Figma plugin to scratch the itch of easily converting the canvas’ pixels into em/rem, I realised I could reuse a lot of this knowledge and wing it with understanding the Typescript parts.

And this is how Hand››over ended up being born.

Hand››over started with the ability to input a value and output it as em. Over time I built out functionality to include the current selection values which started just as text and size but soon expanded to more and more things as I got to understand the Figma API.

How it's going

Since that first plugin, released back in 2020, I've released 18 further utility plugins. The goal of these is to provide small solutions to common problems.

I see each of my plugins as an opportunity for Figma to Sherlock me and I'd be genuinely happy if they did. That's why I keep each of my plugins completely, 100% free. These are an admission that core functionality is missing and I'd love to see the day each one is slowly added in to the core Figma and/or FigJam experience.

List of Sherlocked plugins

✓ Text››helper replaced by native Find & Replace

✓ Scale››better mostly replaced by better native scaling

✓ Hand››over mostly replaced by better handover capabilities

This site, and all of my work, is dedicated to my hero, my inspiration, and the strongest man I've ever known. My father. I love you Dad ❤️.